Assessment of Disaster Awareness and Preparedness of Maydolongnons
Disaster awareness, Disaster, Preparedness, Descriptive comparative, Descriptive correlation, Maydolong, Eastern SamarAbstract
This study investigated the respondents’ level of disaster awareness and preparedness, particularly on risks associated with natural hazards such as typhoons, floods, and earthquakes. The study employed the descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational methods of research and involved ninety-nine (99) randomly chosen respondents who were all residents of población barangays of Maydolong, Eastern Samar. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data gathered in this study. Results revealed that the majority of the respondents belonged to the 30-34 and 35-39 age brackets, were female-dominated and most were college-level or college graduates. The respondents indicated the highest level of awareness of disasters associated with earthquakes (with a mean of 4.49), followed by typhoons (4.13) and floods (3.00). Generally, they were “Very Much Aware” regarding disasters associated with the three natural hazards as manifested by an overall mean of 4.20. In terms of disaster preparedness, the respondents were found to be “Often” prepared when it comes to disasters as evidenced by an average mean of 4.08. The comparative analysis of the variables showed that there are no significant differences in the respondents’ levels of awareness of disasters associated with typhoons, floods, and earthquakes. Meanwhile, the correlation analysis revealed that there is a very high correlation between the level of disaster awareness and preparedness and such a relationship is statistically significant at .05 alpha.
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