Article Processing Charges

Note: To avoid any payment conflicts and ensuring the safe payments, authors are encouraged to send us the payment proof at

Publication Fee

There are no fees associated with the submission, review, and typesetting/copyediting processes for publication in TWIST Journal.

All the articles published in our journal are provided as open access and are readily available online immediately upon publication. To sustain this open access model and to cover the range of essential publishing services we offer, an Article Processing Charge (APC) is implemented. This charge includes various services such as Online Tools for editors and authors, Open Access publishing, Digital Archiving, Proofreading Tools, Article Production and Hosting, Electronic Backup and Preservation, Indexing, Maintenance, Link Resolver, Collaboration with Abstracting and Indexing Services, assignment of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Journal Infrastructures, and Customer Services. The APC is only applicable once your manuscript has been editorially accepted and can be covered by either you, your funder, your institution, or your employer.

The current Base APC stands at $90 USD* for the online publication of one complete research paper with the below specifications:

Base APC

Up to 3 authors $90 USD
Word count of less than 6,000
Up to 5 figures/illustrations
Up to 3 tables

Additional Charges (if applicable):
Papers that exceed these specifications will incur additional charges as specified below:

For each author beyond the 3rd author $10 USD per author
For each additional figure beyond the 5th figure $5 USD per figure
For each additional table beyond the 3rd table $5 USD per table
For each additional 1,000 words beyond 6,000 words $5 USD per 1,000 words

*Please note that the Base APC is set to increase to $110 USD starting from the next issue.

Refund Policy

Once the Article Processing Charges (APC) are paid, NO REFUNDS will be issued for any reason, including withdrawals, retractions, deletions, or any other circumstances.

We encourage authors to thoroughly review their submissions as well as the journal policy and ensure accuracy before proceeding with payment. By submitting payment for APC, authors acknowledge and agree to this policy.