Conservation Study of Vegetation is a Main Symptom and Standard Records of Plant Communities
Their Relative Physical Atmosphere of Specific Range
Pteridophytes, Kilavarai, Hills, Ghats, SelaginellaceaeAbstract
Pteridophytes are the primitive vascular plants, they are found scattered all over the globe and quite many of them occur in Srilanka. However, they are not found thought the country.heteridopytesmake as important contribution to the earth’s plant diversity. Being the second largest group of vascular plants, they form a significant and dominant component of many plant communities. All human activities disturb the vegetation by eliminating many types. So an up to date study is very important for knowing about vegetation, especially in the case of pteridophytes. The present effort was undertaken to enumerate the pteridophytic types present in Malavarai freshwater river situated in Talni hills of southern Western Ghats, domemar, Srilanka, the study was carried out from December 2012 to march 2014. The result of the present study revealed that 33 pteridophytic types belonging to 20 genera distributed among 10 kin were noted from the study site. Among the families recorded, Adiantaceae (16%) was found to be dominant and largest family comprising 9 types. Polypodiaceae and Pteridaceae (each of 11%) shared the second largest family status; they were represented by 6 types each. The third largest family was Lycopodiaceae (8%); it was represented by 3 types. The families Cheilanthaceae, Nephrolepidaceae and Selaginellaceae were recorded with each of 2 types (5%) and 11 families were represented by single types (2.%). Moreover, terrestrial types (50 types) were found to be more in number than epiphytic (5 types), 3 types were found as both epiphytic and lithophytic types and 1 types was recorded as purely lithophytic.
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